The Fine Art of Selling #Sales #Wisdom


Over the years, I’ve kept a notebook of memorable sayings and remarks about the fine art of selling. Here are my favorites:

    1. “Every one lives by selling something.”
      Robert Louis Stevenson
    2. “Nobody likes to be sold but everybody likes to buy.”
      Earl Taylor
    3. “Success in sales is the result of discipline, dedication and sacrifice.”
      Thomas Roy Crowell
    4. “Sell, don’t tell. When you’re talking, you’re not selling.”
      Robert Nadeau
    5. “Sales pays for the company. Employees who don’t “get” that are part of the problem.”
      Donal Daly
    6. “Value the relationship more than making your quota.”
      Jeff Gitomer
    7. “Sales leads are like fresh fish; they stink after three days.”
      Thomas Roy Crowell
    8. “Respect the customer’s time but give them a compelling reason to speak with you.”
      Keith Rosen
    9. “People buy emotionally but defend their choice logically.”
      Jerry Acuff
    10. “Sales success comes after you stretch yourself past your limits on a daily basis.”
      Omar Periu
    11. “When selling, never answer an unasked question.”
      Jeff Thull
    12. “Mediocre products with great sales teams always beat great products with mediocre sales teams.”
      Donal Daly
    13. “Contact with the customer is what business is all about.”
      Jay Leno
    14.  “In advertising, sex sells. But only if you’re selling sex.”
      Jef I. Richards
    15. “In sales there are usually four or five ‘no’s’ before you get a ‘yes.'”
      Jack Canfield

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